Friday, 7 September 2012

Beach glass - large

Beach glass
I have some large pieces in a 12 by 12 inch frame:
Beach glass is more widely used in the States, although over there it tends to go under the title of sea glass.
For anyone who does not know about beach glass I will re blog this from an earlier blog:
A few years ago my oldest daughter fell and cut her hand very badly on a piece of glass that someone had smashed in a river. Luckily she had only a scar and no lasting damage to her hand, but for the space of a few centimetres she could have had a scar to her face or even permanent damage to her hand.

Glass is such a lethal material with the power to cause so much harm. However nature, a bit of water and some time can turn the glass from a danger to something harmless and beautiful.

For as long as I can remember I have combed beaches in search of beach glass ( glass that has been worn down by the action of the sea). Now my children join me, with a reward of 10p for a more common colour such as white or green, and a special 50p price tag on a rare colour such as red or blue.

Other than the rare colours my favourite finds are those pieces that hold some of the shape, part of the design or the pattern of the original piece.

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